Thank you to everyone who attended the 2022 Women In Milford Gala! This has been a fantastic year for us at Women In Milford! We have a brand new website, new monthly newsletter, and new members! We have gained about 450 new people this year, which puts us at 1,285 members of this supportive community.
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Our monthly meetups this year have been so fun to plan and even more fun to be a part of! We have learned Instagram Reels, Marketing, Bookkeeping, and Canva. We’ve had a wine tasting, practiced pilates, and explored the world of watercolor. We have done volunteer work at a local women’s shelter, and sponsored two movies at the Milford Independent Cinema! We even had a couple meetings where we just brainstormed new ideas, shared insights, and got to know each other better.
We’ve had 37 Features and 2 Instagram Takeovers this year, where we were introduced to so many incredible women and their stories. These features give us a little insight into the person behind the business, and that personal knowledge helps us all appreciate each other and the work we put into our businesses. I hope we have even more features next year because I truly meant it when I tell you “You are interesting, you are valuable, and you have so much to offer! It’s time you were featured.”
All in all, I’d say this year was a success, and there’s no way it could have been so successful without each and every one of you.
I think it is so important to have a community that supports each other, and these women, you all, have been incredibly supportive of each other. I have seen first-hand the connections you’ve made and the friendships you’ve built, and it is truly a wonderful thing to be able to witness.
I am so happy that we end our year with this event, because like so many of our meetups, it gives us the opportunity to reach out and connect with like-minded, hard-working, and supportive women in our community.
Thank you again for coming out to our event last night, I hope you had fun, and I can’t wait to witness more of your greatness in 2023!