Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Women In Milford Gala! This year has been so fantastic for Women In Milford! We have gained about 400 new people this year, which puts us at over 2,180 members of this supportive community. (continued below)

We now have an online store where you can get all your “Support Your Local Girl Gang” gear like shirts tanks, stickers, and bags. The money we make from that helps to pay for our website, newsletter, and events throughout the year.
Our monthly meetups have been an absolute blast this year, both to plan and to be a part of. We've learned so much together, from a Social Reset to Social Insights, How to be a Businesses Banking Boss, to Mastering Marketing. We also got free headshots, brewed another incredible beer with Nicole Fitzmaurice, brewer at River’s Edge Brewing Co., practiced yoga in the park, and participated in a flash mob in the 4th of July parade!
On top of that, we’ve given back to the community by sponsoring one of our younger members and helping her get to the International Career Development Conference, sponsoring two movies at the Milford Independent Cinema, and helped decorate downtown for the holidays for the third year in a row.
This year, we’ve showcased 20 Features and introduced 20 One Hot Minute Reels, where we met so many incredible women and heard their inspiring stories. These features offer us a glimpse into the lives behind the businesses, helping us all appreciate each other and the hard work that goes into our ventures. If you’ve got a minute, we’re interested in what you’re up to and these quick reels have been a awesome new addition this year - I can’t wait to see even more Features & One Hot Minute Reels next year because I genuinely believe that each of you is so interesting, valuable, and has so much to offer. Your story deserves to be told!
Looking back, I’d say this year has been a success, and that success wouldn’t have been possible without every single one of you.
Having a community that supports one another is essential, and you all have shown incredible support for each other. I’ve seen the connections you’ve made and the friendships that have blossomed, and it’s truly heartwarming to witness.
I’m so glad we can close out our year with the Women In Milford Gala, because, like our meetups, it gives us a chance to connect with like-minded, hardworking, and supportive women in our community. Thank you again for coming out to our event last night, I hope you had fun, and I can’t wait to witness more of your greatness in 2024!
Marie Kelly
Women In Milford