Belle Sophabmisay

Meet Belle Sophabmisay, a Salon 3 employee who started as a receptionist and is now a stylist!  This woman is knowledgeable in all aspects of the cosmetology field. Her passion for the industry started when I was young, watching YouTube videos on how to apply makeup and so she decided to go to cosmetology school. 

Inspired by her mother, Belle started cosmetology school during her junior year in high school and she was licensed before even graduating!

While in cosmetology school, Belle started working at Salon 3, has loved every moment there.  She loves doing all colors and cuts at the salon, but she specialize in blondes!  Belle fell in love with Milford and all of her clients (even the brunettes) and would love to meet all of you members of Women In Milford

In fact, mention this post when booking and receive 20% off your first appointment with Belle!  How cool is that?!


Zainab Jishi


Dayna Smedley