Marie Kelly

Meet Marie Kelly, founder of Women In Milford. Marie is a full time Marketing Chef and runs Milford Kitchen: a free recipe website. Marie grew up in Southeast Michigan, and began her professional life as an IT Manager for design and development boutiques both outside Detroit, and eventually Chicago, where she lived for 10 years, before settling down in Milford with her husband Nick and their dog Murphy. You can learn more about her at:

Marie started Women in Milford as an effort to connect and collaborate with other female entrepreneurs in Milford and its surrounding areas. The focus of the group is to help each other grow in any/every way possible, whether it's partnering with or simply supporting each others' businesses (through social media, in person, etc). She's super excited about new team member, @alyssamariejennings, and they're looking forward to meeting/reconnecting with everyone at the first meeting!

If you would like to be featured on Women In Milford (and we really hope you do!), please email a photo(s) and short bio to [email]! We can't wait to feature you and expand your reach to other members!


Daedre Suroweic