Casey Burke

Meet Casey Burke, Freelance Artist, Writer, and Designer, and homeschool mama of two littles, ages 4 and 6.

Casey and her family moved from the Cayman Islands to Milford in the spring of 2017, and have since become close with the Milford community. Living right downtown, Casey and her family can be found at the park, on the Milford trail, at the library, singing their hearts out at Music Time with Miss Mandy, and holding down the occasional booth at the Milford Farmers Market.

Casey works as a freelance graphic designer and fine artist between the full time job of homeschooling mama, specializing in logo creation and commissioned custom artworks. Currently, Casey is in the studio focusing on creating artwork through her favorite medium of pyrography, working in large scales, and building a robust portfolio for selling works professionally through local galleries and other venues.

In May 2022, Casey became a published author, contributing musings, projects, and ideas for Wild + Free, a nationwide homeschool community. Described as “an emerging group of mothers and homeschoolers who want their children to not only receive a quality education, but also to experience adventure, freedom, and the wonder of childhood”, Wild + Free creates monthly content bundles for its subscribers. Casey’s first contribution is featured in the upcoming issue “Retreat”, with accompanying photos by her dear friend and WIM’s own Nicole Rall of Nicole Rall Photography.

When not doing all the things, you’ll find Casey outside with her family, whether tending to the garden, hiking, traveling, exploring, or frequenting local art shows and farmers markets. Casey is an advocate for holistic health and the benefits of practicing yoga, eating local, growing your own food, shopping local, and cultivating community through connection: inspiring, supporting, and empowering one another.



Kara Giummo


Dr. Marla Hayden