Deidre Boudreau
Meet Deidre Boudreau. After feeling fortunate to be a stay at home mom for years, Deidre is now an expert Real Estate Agent. Her passion for Real Estate stems from bringing people and ideas together, and she is a pro!
Kristel Coronado
Meet Kristel Coronado, owner and operator of Kristel's Cookie Creations in White Lake, Michigan. Because of her life-long love of baking, she turned it into more than just a hobby, and started Kristel’s Cookie Creations in 2018, after a her creative flame sparked when decorating a cookie set for her sister-in-law. The business has evolved from there, as well as her mesmerizing Instagram account, @kristelscookiecreations. Kristel is passionate about her work, as well as making each and every one of her customers smile with her edible treats, no matter the size of the order she receives.
Daedre Suroweic
Meet Daedra Surowiec, founder of Stawsome. Along with her husband Brian, Daedra has been designing and hand crafting reusable glass drinking straws since 2009, bringing function and environmental awareness to the public. What began as a small side hobby has now evolved into a global online business with a fully operational warehouse in Highland. Daedra is so excited to have finally settled into her dream job!
Marie Kelly
Meet Marie Kelly, founder of Women In Milford. Marie is a full time Marketing Chef and runs Milford Kitchen: a free recipe website. Marie grew up in Southeast Michigan, and began her professional life as an IT Manager for design and development boutiques both outside Detroit, and eventually Chicago, where she lived for 10 years, before settling down in Milford with her husband Nick and their dog Murphy.