Jamie Bagget

Meet Jamie Bagget, children’s author from Milford, Michigan.

While Jamie enjoyed her English classes in school and always had a “book in her face” as a child, Jamie received both her bachelors and MBA in business with a focus in nonprofit leadership. “Writing a children's book for my boys was one of those bucket list items that tucked itself into my brain, waiting for the right time to manifest,” she says.  “Once my son and I read every tractor book in the library I figured it was time I make one of my own!”  And so, Jamie decided to write a children’s book about construction trucks for her son titled “My Neighbor is a Dump Truck.”

Since publication, the book has been distributed all over the country.  Jamie explains, “I find joy in donating it to schools both local, across the state, and across the country. So far I have donated a book in every state, and have over 100 copies gifted to elementary schools. It even ended up being put into the library catalog in Georgia, and has been submitted to the Milford Library in hopes of being cataloged there as well.”

“I had a blast doing readings of the book for the kindergarteners at Kurtz Elementary last spring.  Country Oaks, Dublin, Keith, and many more neighboring schools have received copies as well.  My son and I had greatly enjoyed finding Milford  free Little Libraries* to drop the book off in!”

When she’s not tending to her two kids, two dogs, two horses, and a husband, Jamie makes sourdough, filling her home with that delicious aroma of fresh bread and salted butter, which brings her great joy. She’s also making several weekly trips to the library.  “I love the Milford library!” She says, enthusiastically. “My youngest son is just getting to the perfect age for their classes where the librarian reads and sings with them in their 3-week courses. The work the staff puts into the children’s section is incredible!”

Her love of Milford doesn’t end with the library. “Every single time we are driving around Milford, my husband and I express how much we love that we live here. It’s beautiful, and the people here are kind. There seems to be an understanding that nature plays an important role here. I find there to be a beautiful balance of places we can gather and enjoy good food, coffee, and views with our family. We are so happy to call this our forever home.”

*You can find the book at a couple Little Libraries in Milford: 942 Canal Street & 425 1st St.

IG: @jamison_lee
Buy the book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0875ZTGNG


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