Zoey Barman

Meet Zoey Barman, owner of The Scoop of Fenton, and Manager of The Scoop of Milford, located at 113 E Commerce St. next to Milford House.

At just 20 years of age, Zoey is one of the youngest business owners in the area.  “I was always interested in starting my own business,” she explains. “Even when I was little I would always try selling stuff to everyone I knew.”

Zoey opened The Scoop of Fenton when she was 17 years old, and when her father became one of the co-owners of the new Milford House, it was an opportunity to expand her business.  She now runs The Scoop of Milford.  “I started my Fenton location at 17-years-old; my junior year of high school,” she explains.  “I’ve always loved business and ice cream was my favorite thing when I was little. I am super excited to be here in Milford now and to start this new location!”

Skepticism of such a young business owner is inevitable, but Zoey doesn’t let negativity get her down.  Zoey puts a positive twist on the occasional negative reaction and turns it into a learning experience.  With her strength of character mixed with delicious ice cream treats, I’m sure The Scoop of Milford will become a staple in Milford in no time.

“My favorite [ice cream] flavor right now is birthday batter,” Zoey shared.

What’s yours?

IG: @scoop.milford
Website: www.scoopicecreamparlor.com


Sara Hussin


Kate Maglothin